Here at Lavender Hill we are always looking for ways to create high quality products that make use of the fresh, spray-free harvests. Match that with a love of quality NZ spirits and cocktails and you have a great combination!
We started with our very special Limoncello. To create this we use Yen Ben lemons from the farm. These are hand peeled and then steeped in 96% alcohol for up to 4 weeks. What makes our Limoncello so great is the length of time we dedicate to steeping and the purity of the high alcohol content (not the typical 40% alcohol from the local shop!). This hand-crafted process extracts the maximum goodness from the lemons.
Next, we partnered with a high-quality gin maker and infused our Angustifolia Lavender oil (from our “English Lavender” field). We hand-harvest in late January each year and process the oil in our own large steam still. What is important in the lavender gin is to create subtle overtones. Our repeat customers are a testament to getting this right!
Our most recent product is a Saffron Gin. We don’t grow saffron on the farm, but were looking to ramp up the exclusivity a bit! We have partnered with a 100% organic saffron farm in Nelson to source top-quality saffron. Like our own produce, the saffron is spray-free and hand-harvested. After a lot of trial and error, we have perfected the infusion time for the raw saffron threads in the gin. It is pure nature that results in this stunning golden yellow gin.